Tuesday, January 16, 2018

For the Whole Family and Soooo NOT For the Whole Family

Two new games for your gamey pleasure!

Terzetto is Tic-Tac-Toe played with cards, giving this old game a brand new twist. I know, we all stopped playing Tic-Tac-Toe when we were kids. Frankly, it got boring. But this version brings adults back to the gaming table. Start with Tic-Tac-Toe, add the randomness and strategy of a card game, and you have Terzetto.

For a full description, or for a free download of the rules to have a look, check out the Terzetto page on The Game Crafter.

Imaginarium is the first game by Art-Free Games to be for ages 18+ rather than for the whole family. This is a storytelling game of outrageous (and frequently off-color) imagination. Like many adventure games, you have a character and you use that character's specialties to get past challenges. Unlike other games, you do this by creating a story and earning dice based on how inventive and funny your story is.

For a full description, or for a free download of the rules to have a look, check out the Imaginarium page on The Game Crafter.