Thursday, February 14, 2019

So Much New Stuff!

Last post was a few months ago. In the dark, scary, intervening silence since the last post, so much has been happening. And by that I mean games. Soooooo many games! Finally took the time to go back and pull out some of the playtester favorites from the last few decades. (Yeah, that's right, DECADES. I've been doing this a while.)

I'll put a short blurb for each game here. As usual, if you want a full description with ever-so-lovely pics, check out the page links below.

In Dark Omens, bad things are happening, harbingers of tragedies to come. Players play Omen cards on each other trying to build up their bad luck. When someone reaches 13 points of Omens, they take a Tragedy. When someone reaches 13 points worth of Tragedies, that person loses the game. At that point the game is over. The player with the lowest total of Tragedies is the winner. But there’s a catch: When one person reaches 13 points, if two or more players are tied for the lowest score, everyone loses. If you don’t have a clear winner, you all lose!

Dissemination is a highly strategic board game played with cards. Cards are elements, and each element has special abilities. You use your cards to capture opponents' cards. First player to capture 25 points worth of cards wins. Dissemination allows you to customize your strategy by building your own deck of cards before the game begins. There are two expansions that greatly increase the number of cards and abilities at your disposal.

In Framed, crimes have been committed. You aren't trying to solve the crimes. Oh no, that's no you at all. You're trying to plant evidence at the scenes of the crimes to frame your opponents. If you get framed for a crime you're out of the game. Last person left in the game wins.

In Graveyard Bash you are a necromancer controlling a team of undead. Use your undead to bash your opponents' undead creatures and to attack their deck, which is their Stash O' Stuff. When your deck is empty you are out of the game. Last person left in the game wins.

In Jade Talisman you are in an ancient, mystical temple filled with moving walls and magical talismans. Players rush around the board to collect these jade talismans, either by picking them up off the floor or by stealing them from your opponents (you're not a nice, polite explorer). Each talisman you own gives you a special power. When all the talismans have been collected, the person with the most talismans is the winner.

To purchase any of these games or for a free download of the rules to have a look, check out any of these game pages on The Game Crafter:
    Dark Omens

And in upcoming news:

After getting out 5 new games and 2 expansions, what's upcoming is a freaking nap!